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Introduction to Argon Fluoride Excimer Laser Gas



   Argon fluoride (ArF) is an excimer gas mixture used widely in deep ultraviolet excimer lasers. The term ‘excimer’ refers to the excited dimer state formed temporarily between an inert noble gas and a reactive halogen component. Some key properties:



  • Composition – Typically contains 0.1% F2 and 99.9% argon balanced by a buffer gas.

  • Reaction – Electric discharge excites argon atoms which react with fluorine molecules.

  • Excited state – The ArF* excimer state quickly decays to separate Ar and F atoms.

  • Wavelength – This relaxation process emits photons with 193 nm wavelength.

  • Pulsed output – Excimer lasers produce pulsed UV beams with high peak power.



    The unique reaction of argon and fluorine facilitates the short wavelength high-energy laser pulses ideal for micromachining and photolithography.

Post time: Nov-02-2023