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High purity helium properties

Molecular weight: 4.0026 Melting point (2555kPa): -272.1°C
Boiling point (101.325kPa): -268.94℃ Liquid density (4.20K, 100.312kPa): 125.2kg/m3
Gas density (0 ℃, 101.325kPa): 0.1785kg/m3 Relative density (0 ℃, 101.325kPa, air = 1): 0.138
Specific volume (21.1℃, 101.325kPa): 6.0304m3/kg critical temperature: -268.0℃
Critical pressure: 229kPa Critical density: 69.3kg/m3
Heat of melting (1.2K, 2555kPa): 0.0836kJ/kg Heat of vapourisation (-268.926℃,101.325kPa): 20.42kJ/kg
Specific heat capacity (101.325kPa,25℃): Cp=5238.3J/(kg-K) ?Cv=3213.7J/(kg-K)
Specific heat ratio (25℃, 101.325kPa, gas): Cp/Cv=1.63 Viscosity (101.325kPa,0℃): 0.01864mPa-s
Vapour pressure (0.5K): 0.0000022kPa (2.0K): 3.17kPa (5.0K): 197.1kPa
Surface Tension (4.2K): 0.096mN/m Thermal Conductivity (101.325kPa, 0°C): 0.1426W/(m-K)

Post time: Apr-08-2024