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Helium-oxygen mixture can saves lives


    In May 2014, a shipwreck occurred off the Atlantic Ocean in Nigeria, West Africa, and one of the chefs on board, Okene, actually survived for three days after the incident and was found and eventually rescued by divers!


    It’s a well-known fact that many shipwreck victims don’t always survive, but one man survived a shipwreck at the bottom of the ocean for nearly three days. After the shipwreck, divers were surprised to find the ship’s chef alive and well during salvage operations three days later, making the divers exclaim in disbelief that the search and rescue footage had not been exposed until recently. Divers said, in the water suddenly found a hand to him, initially thought it was the remains of the victims, but did not expect the hand actually move, but also shook hands with him, a moment as if in the staging of a horror movie. After careful investigation, divers found the wreck survivor 29-year-old Okene (Okene).


    After Okene’s description, the relevant experts restored the scene of the shipwreck, it turned out that the tugboat (Jascon-4) accident, the bottom of the ship overturned, quickly sank to a depth of 30 meters of the seabed, and at that time, Okene happened to be in the toilet, the overturning of the toilet coincidentally formed an air chamber, which allowed him to survive two and a half days on the seabed. In addition, there was a lot of helium mixed in the air chamber, making the whole room filled with a helium-oxygen mixture. When O’Keenan was rescued, his speech changed in pitch.


    Lastly, a bit of common sense from NewReader, a certain percentage of helium-oxygen mixture is also a commonly used scuba diving gas. In some cases, when divers need to stay in the deep sea for a long period of time, helium is used instead of nitrogen, and helium-oxygen mixtures are used in the right proportions. The advantage of helium is that only 40% of the helium dissolves in the body as nitrogen. Moreover, helium molecules are so small that their diffusion rate is 2.5 times faster than that of nitrogen. Therefore, the use of helium-oxygen gas mixture not only reduces paralysis, but also shortens the decompression and ascent time by taking advantage of its rapid diffusion characteristics.

Post time: Dec-12-2023