

We have more than 100 kinds of products in Special gas, Rare gas and Excimer Laser Gas

  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas
  • Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas

Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas

Process :

Nitrogen trifluoride is the inorganiccompound with the formula NF3.Thisnitrogen-fluorine compound is acolorless, odorless, nonflammable finds increasing use as an etchant inmicroelectronics.Nitrogen Trifluoride (NF3) has beenwidely used in electronic industry,semiconductor and solarphoto-electricity industry etc. it’s a goodotching and cleaning gas with advantages of no remaining, highcleaning speed and easy to decompose



Product Detail

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Product Parameters

Product Name:

Nitrogen trifluoride









Product Categories:

Inorganics;Inorganic Fluorides

Mol File:


Product Name:

Nitrogen trifluoride

Product Specification

Product NF3
Package Size 40Ltr Cylinder
Filling Content/Cyl 20Kgs
QTY Loaded in 20’Container 240 Cyls
Total Volume 4.8Tons
Cylinder Tare Weight 50Kgs
Valve CGA 640

Application Program

Nitrogen trifluoride, or NF3, is a colorless, odorless gas that has several industrial applications. It is primarily used in the semiconductor industry as a cleaning agent for deposition tools and etching chambers. It is also used in the production of flat panel displays, solar panels, and other electronics. However, NF3 is a potent greenhouse gas with a high global warming potential, which means it can contribute significantly to climate change if released into the atmosphere. As such, efforts are being made to reduce its use and find alternative, more environmentally-friendly substances for these applications.
Nitrogen trifluoride is used as an etchant for semiconductor devices in the electronics industry.

Nitrogen trifluoride is used as an etchant for semiconductor devices in the electronics industry.

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used for sterilization

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used for sterilization

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used in the manufacture of electronic devices in the vapor deposition (CVD) process.

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used in the manufacture of electronic devices in the vapor deposition (CVD) process.

Nitrogen trifluoride is a strong oxidizing agent

Nitrogen trifluoride is a strong oxidizing agent

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used as an intermediate for organic synthesis compounds.

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used as an intermediate for organic synthesis compounds.

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used to manufacture coating materials

Nitrogen trifluoride can be used to manufacture coating materials




Package Size

40Ltr Cylinder

Filling Content/Cyl


QTY Loaded in 20’Container

240 Cyls

Total Volume


Cylinder Tare Weight



CGA 640


Product Detail

Nitrogen Trifluoride NF3 Gas

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