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Introduction to Xenon Gas Industrial Applications


Xenon is a noble gas element used in a variety of industrial applications that leverage its unique atomic properties. Some background on xenon:



  • Rare noble gas – Occurs in trace atmospheric amounts. Commercial production involves air separation.

  • Atomic weight 131 amu – Densest stable noble gas, over 4 times heavier than air.

  • Low reactivity – High ionization potential and filled valence shell make xenon very inert.
  • High vapor pressure – Xenon freezes at -112°C and boils at -108°C. Easily liquified under pressure.

  • Strong UV absorbance – Unique electronic structure strongly absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

These attributes allow xenon to serve important roles in lighting, imaging, spacecraft propulsion, anesthesia, and more. We will explore some of xenon’s top industrial uses in more detail.

Post time: Sep-18-2023