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Introduction to Krypton Gas and Its Applications



Krypton is an inert noble gas element that has a variety of niche applications in industries leveraging its properties:


  • Rare gas – Only trace amounts occur naturally in atmosphere. Commercial production involves air separation.

  • Atomic weight – At 83 amu, krypton is denser than air and can provide insulation.

  • Low reactivity – Very high ionization energy makes krypton extremely chemically inert.

  • Low boiling point – Krypton liquefies at -153°C under modest pressure for storage.

  • Light emission – Krypton discharge tubes and lamps produce bright white illumination.


These attributes allow krypton to serve important roles in lighting, window insulation, and specialty uses like excimer lasers. The established applications and emerging uses of this noble gas will be explored.

Post time: Oct-09-2023