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Chemical Reactivity and Uses of Boron Trifluoride



    Boron trifluoride is notable for its strong Lewis acidity which makes it highly reactive with compounds having lone electron pairs. This property allows BF3 to serve several industrial chemical roles:


  • Fluorination agent – BF3 assists in replacing C-H bonds with C-F bonds in organic precursor compounds. This fluorination produces valuable fluorinated organic products.

  • Catalyst – When complexed with amines, ethers or sulfides, BF3 acts as catalyst for alkylation, polymerization, isomerization and other chemical reactions.

  • Metallurgy – Molten BF3 is used to extract titanium and zirconium through formation of metal tetrafluoride complexes.

  • Etchant – Gaseous BF3 etching of silicon dioxide assists silicon chip manufacturing. It also reacts with metal oxides.

  • Fuel additive – Small amounts of BF3 added to hydrocarbon fuels enhances combustion performance and cleanliness.



    However, handling corrosive BF3 requires substantial safety precautions. Upon exposure to moisture, BF3 releases highly toxic and reactive HF gas. Closed systems and neutralization processes are necessitated.

Post time: Oct-24-2023