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Carbon dioxide is converted to methane by sunlight



    Carbon dioxide is the biggest culprit of greenhouse gases, how to reduce the content of carbon dioxide has been the direction of various experts have been trying hard to solve the problem, and the research has produced numerous technologies, and now, there is a new technology proposed.


    Japan’s Showa Shell Petroleum Company has announced the invention of a new technology that can use sunlight at room temperature and pressure to convert carbon dioxide and water into methane and other resources.


    According to Showa Shell, for the first time, the company has utilized gas diffusion electrodes used in fuel cells and newly developed catalysts to directly convert water and carbon dioxide into methane and ethylene using only sunlight at room temperature and pressure. The company sees this technology as an important advancement in the field of carbon dioxide emission reduction and new energy synthesis.


    Carbon dioxide is regarded as the culprit of global warming, and carbon dioxide emission reduction and reuse has been a global hotspot. As carbon dioxide is chemically stable, it is difficult to convert it into hydrocarbons. Most of the previous researches dissolved carbon dioxide in water before converting and synthesizing it, but carbon dioxide’s solubility in water is low, so it is difficult to convert it.


    By 2030, Showa Shell plans to develop new technologies to efficiently utilize carbon dioxide to make hydrocarbons, ethanol, etc., in order to better reuse carbon dioxide.

Post time: Feb-26-2024