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C2F6 C3F8 Reliable insulator and freezer selection



    Hexafluoroethane, C2F6, R-116) and octafluoropropane (C3F8, R-218) are two common fluorinated carbon compounds. They are widely used in various
industrial fields and have a variety of functions and uses.


    Hexafluoroethane is mainly used in plasma dry engraving processes to effectively remove unwanted substances from the surface of materials. In addition, it is widely used as a coolant
and refrigerant in air-conditioning systems. As a raw material for monomer production, HCH also plays an important role in chemical reactions as a
fluorinating agent involved in the reaction. It is also widely used as an insulating agent for electrical equipment and can effectively protect electronic equipment.


    Octafluoropropane is also commonly used in plasma dry engraving processes, where it has an excellent cleaning effect. In addition, it can be blended with other Freons and used as a refrigerant.
Refrigerant. Octafluoropropane is an excellent insulating agent with good electrical insulation properties in high voltage electrical applications.


    What these two compounds have in common is that they are widely used in industry. Whether these compounds are used in dry

Post time: Dec-13-2023