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Advantages of Excimer Laser Gases



   Excimer laser gases provide unique advantages that have made excimer lasers a versatile tool for micromachining, medical procedures, and advanced photolithography applications. Benefits of excimer laser gases include:



  • Tunable wavelength – Varying the noble-halogen gas combination allows generating different UV wavelengths optimized for specific uses.
  • Short pulses – Excimer lasers emit nanosecond pulses enabling extremely high instantaneous powers for cold material ablation.
  • Superior beam quality – The pulses have excellent coherence and uniformity for smooth, precision processing.
  • Minimal thermal effects – The non-equilibrium plasma state of excimer gases allows direct transition from gas to UV photons.
  • Small spot size – Excimer laser beams can be finely focused down to sub-micron spot diameters.
  • High photon flux – Excimer gas dissociation results in energetic photon bursts optimal for disrupting molecular bonds.
  • Cold vacuum operation – Cryogenic cooling prevents gas contamination improving reliability.




    For applications where other lasers are ineffective, only the unique high-power ultraviolet beam capabilities of excimer laser gases can facilitate key industrial and medical advancements through their tunable, precision photonic energy delivery.

Post time: Sep-08-2023