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How Helium-Neon Gas Lasers Work


    The lasing mechanism in a helium-neon laser relies on energy transfer between the gas mixture components to drive optical amplification at the neon spectral line:



  • Electric discharge passes through He-Ne gas mix in optical cavity

  • Collisions excite helium atoms which transfer energy to neon atoms

  • Excited neon atoms drop to lower lasing level, emitting photons

  • Photons stimulate more excited neon atoms to emit more photons in phase

  • Photons reflecting between mirrors give optical amplification

  • 633 nm wavelength corresponding to neon transition dominates

  • Continuous discharge sustains the excitation and lasing processes



    By harnessing neon’s emissive properties, helium-neon gas provides a simple, low cost CW laser system.

Post time: Nov-09-2023