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Rare gases: Rising stars for bright electro-optical applications


I. Introduction to Rare Gases


Rare gases are gases found in very small amounts in nature, including helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and radon (Rn), to name but six elements. These rare gases are widely used because of their high stability, low chemical activity and very low boiling points. Among them, neon and argon are the two most commonly used rare gases, widely used in the preparation of light sources.


II. Application of rare gases in electric light sources


1. Application of helium in electric light

Helium is a rare gas, with colourless, odourless, non-toxic, non-flammable and other characteristics, but also has a high optical emissivity and stability. Therefore, helium has been widely used in gas discharge and laser research. Helium is used as a laser medium in helium pulsed lasers to produce laser light by ionisation. Helium is also used in permanent magnetic levitation bearings and in refrigeration.


2. Applications of neon as an electric light source

Unlike helium, neon is an odourless, non-toxic, non-flammable coloured gas with excellent optical emissivity and chemical resistance. In the manufacture of electric light sources, neon gas is usually used in the fields of sound, advertising light boxes and venue neon lights. Neon is a light source that uses the red light emitted by neon for illumination, in which neon atoms are stimulated to a high-energy state and radiate red light into the air.


3. Argon light source

Argon light source is a light source that uses argon to excite electron leaps in a discharge tube to emit a very bright violet light. Argon light source is bright, long life, high energy density, commonly used in lasers, fluorescent lamps and other light sources. In addition, argon light source is also widely used in cancer treatment, photodynamic therapy and other medical applications.


Other Applications


The application of rare gases is not limited to the field of light source. For example, krypton is used in energy efficient light bulbs, helium is used in superconducting magnets, and argon is used to protect the preparation of magnesium oxide.



Post time: Aug-06-2024