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Low temperature engineering applications of neon

   It is well known that the liquid temperature range of the industrial gas helium is 2×10-3-5.20 K, the liquid temperature range of hydrogen is 14.2-33.0 K, and the liquid temperature range of the industrial gas neon is 24.5-44.40 K. Because neon is chemically inert and has a high latent heat of evaporation (2.7 times that of liquid hydrogen by volume), neon is often used instead of hydrogen as a safe coolant for experiments in the 25-40 K range. Because neon industrial gas is chemically inert and has a large latent heat of evaporation (2.7 times that of liquid hydrogen for the same volume of liquid), neon is often used instead of hydrogen as a safe coolant for experiments in the 25-40K range.
   In the industrial gases liquid neon upper pumping vapours, it is easy to make liquid neon into solid neon, because the three-phase point temperature of neon is only about 2.5K lower than its standard boiling point, in the application of neon as a refrigerant, the use of solid neon latent heat of fusion can be used to make neon’s effective cooling capacity increased by 20%. Liquid helium cryogenic pumps are often used to quickly pump large spaces to a vacuum state, and liquid neon cryogenic pumps can be used if the vacuum requirements are not high.
    Closed-cycle microcoolers using the industrial gas neon as a medium can be used in infrared detectors for missiles. Liquid neon is often used in bubble chambers for high energy particle detection and research. In the United States, industrial gas neon is primarily used in bubble chambers and is in high one-time demand. In addition, industrial gas neon is also used in the study of free radicals. With the continuous development of science and technology, liquid neon will be increasingly valued as a low temperature coolant at 25-40K.
    In addition, as the thermal noise in many electronic devices is reduced at low temperatures, many radio, infrared and other radiation detection instruments can be cooled by a neon circulating system to increase their sensitivity.

Post time: Mar-12-2024