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Electronic Gases Definition and Demand Analysis


Definition of Electronic Gases


    Electronic gases are indispensable raw materials for the production of ultra-large integrated circuits, flat panel displays, compound semiconductor devices, solar cells, optical fibers and other electronic industries, and are widely used in thin film deposition, etching, doping, evaporation, diffusion and other processes.



Electronic Gas Demand Analysis


    Electronic gas supply system is to meet the needs of the process, under the premise of fully guarantee the safe use of processes and products, the electronic gas from the source end without secondary pollution, control the process demand flow and pressure and other parameters, and stably transported to the process of production equipment at the point of use.


According to the report released by the China Report Hall report shows that at present, a wide range of electronic consumer goods and upgrading is becoming more frequent, the same type of products of different production scale, different levels of grade of production factories and scientific research institutions coexist. Based on the actual requirements of different investment scales and product grades, there are basically three types of requirements for electronic gas supply systems in the industrial sector, as follows


Post time: Feb-22-2024