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Applications of Argon Fluoride Lasers



    The unique 193 nanometer wavelengthoutput of argon fluoride excimer lasers has enabled numerous advanced applications:



  • Photolithography – ArF lasers are critical in semiconductor chip manufacturing to pattern small features.

  • Laser surgery – The 193nm light can ablate biological tissue with precision.

  • UV curing – The high photon energy allows ArF lasers to initiate polymerization in resins.

  • Laser processing – ArF lasers can selectively ablate very fine details into plastics and other materials.

  • Spectroscopy – The short wavelength can induce fluorescence for analyzing organic compounds.

  • Optical sensing – ArF lasers interrogate photonic crystal structures used in chemical detectors.

  • Photochemistry – ArF pulsed lasers drive highly selective bond breaking photoreactions.



    With refinements in excimer laser technology, many additional micromachining and photochemical uses for argon fluoride systems continue emerging.

Post time: Nov-02-2023